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The Healing School of Pastor Chris

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is a man of great faith and has made it his mission to spread the word of God throughout the world. Through his ministries, he has been able to reach out to countless throngs of people all over the world. He has used the tools available to him to speak the truth and to inspire those who have little or no hope.

Through his Healing school, Pastor Chris has manifested the great and powerful healing words of the Savior. Many have received the healing they needed through Christ’s love, and many have experienced first hand the miracles of God by attending these Healing Sessions.

Many who have attended his Healing School have received great miracles and have greatly strengthened their faith. Many have been cured or healed of ailments such as cancers and tumors, blood conditions, or mental and spiritual conditions. Still, others have been released from the crippling grip of a walking condition, infertility, or some sort of sensory condition.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome holds healing as well as teaching crusades such as the Higher Life Conference and Night of Bliss to help reach out to millions. One such meeting held in Nigeria attracted an astounding 3.5 million people. Whenever he has the opportunity Pastor Chris shares the word of God.

Many have received healing and have experienced miracles in their own lives by watching the flagship program the Pastor hosts and have grown strong testimonies because of it.

The pastor is even a best-selling author and uses the power of his publishing ministry to reach out to people all over the world. His Rhapsody of Realities daily devotional is intended to offer up a daily dose of inspiration and has helped many to find miracles in their lives.

Through his television ministry, he has been able to bring the word of God right into the homes of many all over the world. In 2003, he began the very first 24-hour Christian Network and it has since expanded to include many satellite stations. Some of these stations include LoveWorld Canada, LoveWorld USA, LoveWorld SAT in South Africa, and many more. Through his television ministry, he has been able to teach and inspire using the power of the word of God. He has also been able to reach out to many more people all around the world this way.

In addition to his ministries, the Pastor also hosts a flagship program that focuses on the miracles of the Saviour and it is broadcasted in Asia, Europe, the United States and Canada, to name just a few places. This inspiring program brings the presence of God to many scattered throughout the world and gives hope to many who have all but given up or who just need a bit of a daily boost.

The Pastor is committed to helping all that he can and has devoted his life to the great works of God. He has been helping the lost sheep of the fold to get back to Him for over 30 years and he does not plan on quitting anytime soon. He feels and believes that it is his purpose and duty to bring back any who have become lost and to teach those who don’t know about the Savoir who He is.

The Pastor continues to be the vessel that makes it possible for people to become healed and to receive miracles in their own lives and his daily devotional is bringing a little bit of sunshine into the lives of people all over the world. If people are willing and open to love-they will receive it.

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